Advanced Probate Issues:

Beware of the Shadows

1 hour of CE for registered neutrals (GA) & pending 1 CLE hour for Georgia attorneys, including 1 trial hour

Session Information


Probate mediators would be wise to be aware of and check the "shadows" in their cases. These shadows include handling issues related to the legally interested parties who may not be present at a session but who must approve an agreement, underlying legal issues that can prevent an agreement from being approved, and the often ephemeral nature and understanding of capacity and its impact on a mediation, among other things. The session will address issues that have been raised by probate judges, program directors and mediators since the onset of the statewide initiative, review common statutes that impact advanced work in these cases, and provide practical information and strategies to help mediators navigate these challenging issues. It will include time for participation and feedback from attendees about additional issues and concerns.

In-person attendees can join Advanced Probate issues in Room A:

1:00pm to 2:00pm

This session will NOT be live-streamed to virtual attendees.

Eleanor Crosby Lanier, Esq.

Ellie Crosby Lanier is a Clinical Professor Emerita at UGA Law where she developed and taught the Mediation Practicum and Clinic and taught elder law. She is currently consulting with the Georgia Commission on Dispute Resolution to develop and implement the Probate Mediation Initiative. She received her BA from Vassar College, a master's degree in political science from the University of Georgia, and her JD from Emory University School of Law. In addition to many years of mediation experience, Ellie is a co-founder of the State Bar Elder Law Section, worked for the Georgia Division of Aging Services and AARP, among other law and aging service providers, and she developed training and trained mediators in six states on adult guardianship and caregiver mediation under a grant from the US Administration on Aging. Probate mediation is a longtime passion because of the opportunities it presents for helping families through challenging times.

Hon. Susan Schaffer

Judge Susan Schaffer’s 30 year legal career has been devoted to serving the public interest. After obtaining her undergraduate degree from Boston University and earning her Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Memphis School of Law she started out as a legal services attorney, representing rural lower income clients in civil legal matters. After 6 ½ years, the last 4 of which having been spent with Georgia Legal Services Program, she moved to Athens in 2001 and served for 13 1/2 years as the Managing Attorney for the University of Georgia School of Law Family Violence Clinic (now known as the Jane W. Wilson Family Justice Clinic), teaching students and providing legal representation to indigent survivors of domestic violence and their children. Currently, Judge Schaffer serves on the Council of Probate Court Judges of Georgia’s Ad Hoc Committee on Fees, Legislative Committee, and Mental Health Committee and serves as the liaison on the Judicial Council of Georgia’s Ad Hoc Committee on Judicial Emergency Preparedness.

Brian Carney, Esq.

Brian Carney, Esq. is a native Atlantan, having grown up in the Chastain Park area and having attended City of Atlanta Public Schools. His college years were spent in Macon at Mercer University (B.A. 1974), where he majored in the Allman Brothers Band and soccer. Upon discovering he lacked the requisite skillset for both teaching and the food services industry, Brian moved to Athens in 1978 to attend UGA Law (J.D. 1981). He fell in love with the community and never left.

Full Agenda

The program will run from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (full agenda outlined below)

Those attending via livestream will not have access to view sessions presented in Room A, but will have access to a recording of these sessions (and all others) during the month of December (2024). Those attending the conference in person will have a choice between two breakout sessions, held at 1:00 PM and 2:15 PM. Like livestream attendees, a recording of all sessions will be available to in-person attendees for the month of December (2024).


7:30 am - 8:30 am

8:30 am - 8:45 am

8:45 am - 9:45 am

9:45 am - 10:00 am

10:00 am - 11:00 am

n/a11:00 am - 11:15 am

11:15 am - 12:15 pm

12:15 pm - 1:00 pm

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

2:00 pm - 2:15 pm

2:15 pm - 3:15 pm

2:15 pm - 3:15 pm

3:15 pm - 3:30 pm

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

4:30 pm

4:30 pm

Continuing Education Information

Hands-On with AI is approved for 1 hour of CE for registered neutrals (GA) & 1 hour of CLE for Georgia attorneys (pending).

The total conference is approved for 6 hours of CE for registered neutrals and is approved by the State Bar of Georgia for 6 CLE hours, including ethics and trial credit.


All CE for neutrals registered with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution will be automatically applied by December 1.


Georgia Attorneys who purchase the appropriate ticket option will have CLE hours automatically reported to the State Bar of Georgia. The fee for CLE hours is included in the ticket price.


Attorneys from states other than Georgia: Upon request, we will be happy to assist you with needed documentation to self-report hours to your local State Bar. Please reach out to us at

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